People like you have had their lives transformed by this weekend encounter with Christ.
Here are some of their stories.
(Stories are real, pictures are stock)
Here's what I thought about the Walk to Emmaus
Marty Haynes August, 2024
I loved my experience at the Walk to Emmaus!
There have been 234 Emmaus weekends and everyone seems to get something different from it. Some say it’s like a Short Course in Christianity… some say it’s a Renewal of Faith or a Re-energizing of their Christian faith, but they are all good...I’ve NEVER heard anyone say they wish they hadn’t attended!
I say it's like a "Three day all expenses paid vacation, walking with Jesus, basking in God's grace!"
And it really is...I think it's more of a Christian "Re-centering" or at least it was for me.
I was raised in a Christian household but during my college and early twenties I got distracted by work, family and “life…and fell away a little bit.
My Emmaus weekend renewed my energy and enthusiasm for Christ.
There's just nothing like spending a few days with other Christians all honoring God and Jesus Christ.
It doesn’t cost anything to attend and I know you’ll enjoy it.
Pastor Michele Ehrenberg
Here's what I thought about the Walk to Emmaus
It is an honor and a joy to serve as Community Spiritual Director.
In the 25+ years I have been in this community, the thing I love most is that, with all the things in life and in the world that have changed (and continue to change), Southern California Walk to Emmaus has been a lovely constant.
We may make adjustments and every theme may be different, but the agape love and grace of God always abound and He move’s mightily in our lives.
When I walk through those beautiful iron gates at Trinity Church, I am home.
Here's what I thought about the Walk to Emmaus
I went on my So Cal Walk to Emmaus in the fall of 2002. I am sorry that so many here are expressing frustration as the weekend for me was an awakening to seeping my commitment to the Lord our God.
It was a learning experience and a heart warming experience. I was with many like minded individuals from many different churches in my community.
It can become clickish if it is not addressed, but going on my walk did not make anything special. And on my walk, they said, “your attending a walk doesn’t make you special”.
I never heard the “it makes you special” comment as well.
Each individual is different and how you react to the retreat is more about you, than the retreat itself.
The reunion groups is nothing more than many of the accountability groups that many churches have.
God loves us and has freely given us his grace.
What we do with it from there is up to us.
Alex Gonzales May 16, 2024
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We are here because of the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ.
We are bless to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.